Nuova Segno 5 ceiling lamp, design Gregotti Associati, for Fontana Arte, 1990s.
Nuova Segno 5 ceiling lamp, design Gregotti Associati, for Fontana Arte, 1990s.
Nuova Segno 5 ceiling lamp, design Gregotti Associati, for Fontana Arte, 1990s. It has some defects in the painting of the stem, dimensions 157 cm high, 17 cm diameter.
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Luigi Fontana's workshop, at the beginning of the century, specialized in the processing of glass for large windows, around the 1930s with the entry of Gio Ponti and the artistic director Pietro Chiesa founded the Fontana Arte brand. Since 1954 and with the artistic director Max Ingrand the most desired pieces have been produced: fine materials, sinuous lines, and thick Nile green glass, are some of the characteristics. The helm then passes to Gae Aulenti who will lead it into modernity