With regard to any relationship of sale between Bus-cando di Gatti Carlo following Buscando and the customer starting from 01/01/2022, only the terms and conditions listed below are applied and to be considered valid, regardless of the mean of communication used. The consumer recognizes the exclusive validity of Buscando's own Terms and Conditions for the entire period of the sales relationship. Buscando will not recognize any different list of Terms and Conditions. Whenever the consumer enters into a sales contract using Buscando website, he implicity accepts the Terms and Conditions as the basis for the entire sales relationship between the consumer and Buscando.


The presence of a product on the Online Shop does not represent a legally binding offer, instead it has the value of a catalog exempt from any obligation. By clicking on the "Submit Order" button, the consumer signs a binding order for the goods contain in the shopping cart.

The confirmation of receipt of the order will be sent immediatl by automatic e-mail when the order is generated. This e-mail does not represent the acceptance of any contract by Buscando. The stipulation of this contract takes place only with the receipt by the consumer of the e-mail of shipment, such acceptance may take place within a period of twp days (48H) from the receipt of the order.

We will keep the text of the contract and send the order details to the consumer by e-mail. 

It is aways possible to consult previous orders in your user section, by logging inwith the credentials provided at the time of registration. 

If for any reason we are unable to accept the order or if any product within the order itself is not available we immediately notify the customer at the registerd e-mail address.

Buscando reserves the right to withdraw from the sales contract in case of printing, communication or calculation errors regarding the products presented on the pages of its website.

All offers are valid while stocks last. Since our suppliers may not be able to deliver products presented on the site, we reserve the right to cancel the sales contract entered into with the customer. In this case the customer will be informed by Buscando without delay.The amount previously paid will be refunded within 14 working days (with Saturday not considered as a working day), or it can be used as a deposit or balance on a different product from those in stock. The conditions regarding the return will be dealt with in the "Return Policies" section.


Diritti di cancellazione Il consumatore ha diritto alla cancellazione del suo contratto entro 14 giorni senza dover esporre alcuna giustificazione.
Il periodo di 14 giorni comincia quando il consumatore od una terza parte (escludendo il corriere) entra in possesso del bene.
Ogni volontà di cancellazione e reso va comunicata preventivamente a noi, Buscando,  mezzo PEC all'indirizzo

+39 3703742394

sotto forma di dichiarazione inequivocabile (es. e-mail) della decisione di recedere dall'acquisto e cancellare il contratto.

Per rientrare nel periodo di cancellazione basta comunicare il proprio intento prima della scadenza del periodo di 14 giorni.

Conseguenze della cancellazione: Successivamente alla cancellazione del contratto ed al reso della merce Buscando rimborserà integralmente il pagamento ricevuto per l'oggetto, il rimborso sarà emesso in un periodo compreso tra 1 e 14 giorni dalla ricezione della merce resa, fatto salvo le spese e gli oneri di spedizione. 

Il rimborso sarà effettuato tramite lo stesso canale di pagamento utilizzato dal cliente, salvo espressamente concesso diversamente.
Nessun tipo di rimborso sarà soggetto a tariffe aggiuntive da parte nostra.

Buscando può rifiutare ogni rimborso fino al momento della ricezione della merce.

Il cliente ha l'obbligo di inviare la merce:

1_senza ritardo

2_nell'imballo originale adeguatamente protetto

3_con etichetta

4_entro il termine dei 14 giorni relativi all'esercitazione del diritto di recesso.

La merce va inviata a:

Bus-cando di Gatti Carlo
Via G. D'Arezzo, 23
41049 Sassuolo (Mo)

Il diritto di reso non sussiste nei seguenti casi:

Materiale customizzato sotto specifica richiesta del cliente o prodotti su richiesta del cliente stesso.
Materiale che, per sua stessa natura, è stato mescolato in modo inseparabile ad altri oggetti dopo la consegna.

Gli oggetti resi vengono inviati con spese a carico del cliente, ed a suo rischio e pericolo.

Si invita a seguire la procedura descritta nell'apposita pagine di questo sito relativa ai "Resi"


The address registered by the customer will always be used for deliveries, unless otherwise indicated by the customer. Delivery is entrusted to the company indicated by the customer. If delivery is not possible due to the absence of the customer at the address provided, even if the delivery time has not been indicated or the address provided to us is incorrect, the customer is required to cover the costs of failure delivery they are costs of storage or reshipment.

The customer assumes all transport risk from the moment he takes possession of the goods, if the collection takes place at a delivery warehouse.

Delivery delays or services that depend on force majeure are not the responsibility of Buscando.

These events give Buscando the right to suspend delivery for the period concerned or to cancel the contract with the customer by reimbursing the sum paid in full.

The causes of force majeure include strikes, natural disasters, wars, traffic blocks, restrictions on imports and exports and other restrictions independently occurring in Buscando or its distributors.

Buscando will take care to inform the customer as quickly as possible in case of delays due to force majeure. 


All prices on Buscando are net prices, including the current VAT rate and shown in Euros.

The prices displayed at the time of the order are valid until otherwise communicated.
Customs costs to all Extra Cee destinations are charged to the customer.
Transactions are carried out in Euros, in certain countries there may be differences in exchange rates for currencies other than the Euro.
Buscando converts currencies based on the European Central Bank exchange rate.
Customers outside the European Union can order if the country of destination is listed in the "Shipping and Delivery" section.

The payment of the specific taxes of the recipient country is the responsibility of the customer and is not part of Buscando's obligations. Any related customs duty must be paid by the customer. The customer can complete the payment using all the methods indicated in the appropriate section.

In the case of payment via Pay Pal, the shipping address remains the one indicated during registration on the site.


Buscando sells used goods seen and liked in the state in which they are found.

Buscando is therefore excluded from any liability for damage resulting from a defect in the product. All consequent requests will be refused.

Buscando is not liable for any type of damage not directly caused by the defective object, especially in the case of economic damage or loss of profit for the customer.

Just as any responsibility of Buscando is excluded, in the same way any personal liability of its employees, representatives or agents is excluded. The disclaimer is not applicable when the damage is the result of intentionality or obvious negligence. Buscando does not accept responsibility in the event that the service offered by the website suffers interruptions or in the event of loss of data saved by the user. The customer agrees that no product is sent with particular adjustments already made, the same will be made by the customer himself.


Links to external sites on Buscando are only references to such sites, Buscando does not identify with the content of such sites and in any case does not accept responsibility for the content of such sites.


When ordering, the customer is obliged to provide correct data. If there is a change in the customer's data, especially name, address, email address, telephone number, the customer is obliged to inform Buscando without delay to change the data provided. If the customer provides incorrect data, especially the email address, Buscando reserves the right to withdraw from the contract.


Buscando applies Italian law and the jurisdiction of the Italian courts. In all legal matters, Italian law is exclusively applied, in all legal relationships between Buscando and the customer, to the extent that this is permitted by law and with exceptions the matters falling within the jurisdiction of the United Nations sales law. </ P >


All data collected by Buscando are used and processed only under the provisions of current data protection laws.


If some clauses or points of the contract are found to be inapplicable or ineffective, the validity of the remaining provisions of the contract remains unchanged. The practical provisions whose effects will come as close as possible to the achievement of the commercial objectives pursued by both parties through the ineffective / impracticable provisions, will replace the ineffective / impracticable provisions. The above provisions also apply if the contract is incomplete.

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